
A couple of weeks ago, a very friendly man, possibly quite intoxicated, engaged me in conversation and wanted to know what I do for a living.

Finding Time

Parkinson’s Law is really an old adage which says that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.

On Racial Differences

I have been privileged to have spent many years of my life living in various countries and cultures unlike the one in which I was raised. This has provided me with a fascinating education.

Prayer For A Nation

“Would you like some Swiss Cheese?” she was asked. “Sure. What kind?” she replied. “You know,” said her friend, “Swiss cheese, the kind with holes. Is there another kind?”

The Blind See

One objection some people have to the divinity of Christ is that in the New Testament, Jesus nowhere says “I am God.” Yet there are plenty of examples where Jesus makes clear he is God without saying it directly.

Time To Grow Up

Growing older physically happens to everyone, but maturity is not guaranteed just because you have the right number of birthdays.