Exactly three years ago

It was three years ago this week that everything changed. The world suddenly shut down. I remember thinking it would all be over in three weeks. Boy, was I wrong.  I look forward to the day when we don’t have to reference everything as pre or post covid. While most of us would like to …

No Looking Back

In 1954, Roger Bannister became the first man in history to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Shortly after, John Landy eclipsed the record by 1.4 seconds. In August of that year, the two men met together for a historic race to determine who was the fastest. Landy held the lead as they …


Last week was the beginning of the Lent season. Most protestants (depending on their tradition) don’t know much about Lent. The Christian calendar was designed to help Christians remember and celebrate joyful occasions. But it was also designed to help Christians practice a variety of spiritual disciplines and think about their faith in everyday circumstances. …

God Keeps His Word

If you have a ‘read the Bible in a year’ plan, you’re probably hitting the book of Leviticus about now. That’s tough reading and seems so far removed from today. Yet, God has preserved his Word for us. A thousand years before Christ, David sought refuge from Saul among the rocks and caves along the …

Keeping It Simple

A few years ago, Marie Kondo had a hit TV show called Tidying Up. In each show, she would visit a family and help them tidy their home. Often the biggest job was helping them get rid of things they really didn’t need. Keeping everything tidy and organized was a virtue. Recently, she made the …

A Generous Life

What does a generous life look like? Generous in what way? For some people, it means giving money to worthy causes. For others, it might be using their time with someone who needs comfort or help with chores.  We can use our social connections to help others find employment or support for a difficult situation. …

Observing the quiet hours

If you live in Switzerland, you are familiar with the official ‘quiet hours’. Every day from noon to 1 pm, 10 pm to 7 am and all-day Sunday, we are to refrain from ‘excessive’ noise. Times may vary between cantons, but we are to respect our neighbors by keeping it down. What exactly counts as …